Somewhere That Way
Oasis Debate
EneMiesofNMEMusicMagFirst Special Page

A furthermore New Version of the infamous Music Lovers, Not Music Trend Followers arrives to you all: Mikael and gallimel are the proud chiefheads of all this.

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So here we are again, for a new edition as well as the second one on Fortune City namede in the Muisc Mag as "Special Page Two"

We can just explains a bit more why for us is necessary to keep alive a place for sharing music views, and repeat once again that without music our lives would be poorer, cos our spirits would be, afraid to imagine, cos no seeds would being able to germinate in an empty head without dreams and visions, like the one untouched by the beauty of music.

So once again, follow us, and for every impression, or every article of you you would like us to publish, use the links in the right orange column here.


Mail us here:

@EneMies of NME

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"Music saves our lives"